Friday, May 14, 2010

Hello and Goodbye

Well, this is my first english post .....
I don't know why I wanna write an english post but hmmm I think that will be a very great way to improve my English.
So, please understand if there are so many mistakes which I made.

This time I'm still sad thinkin one of my Junior High School teacher, Mrs Evi Rusliana who have left this world on Sunday , 09 May 2010. Her death was unexpected and unpredictable so as you can guess, it was so shocking all of us. May her rest in peace.
But, the reason why I'm being sad is not because she left and I can't see her anymore.
But because I didn't get a chance to apologize, make her happy and proud and ask her pray for my and my friend's future.
I know I'm not supposed to sad even regret for her death. It's written and nothing or nobody can change it.
I'm trying to not feel sad. Or regret. Or upset. Yes, I'm trying so hard. It's get better, but still ......

Actually, with or without her death, I'm still gonna to say goodbye.
Say goodbye to the people who I love.

Some who have been by my side in whole my life. Some have been in half of my life. And the rest might just been in my life for couple or less years.
They are my family, bestfriends, friends, teachers, neighbor, and all people I know.
I love them. All without no exception. I've almost never had enemy as far I can remember. I'm a peace lover, you know. Hehehe ^_^.
They made my 14 and half years life became so wonderful, amazing, fantastic and colorful.
They made me laugh, cry, upset, mad, shocked, scared, smile, happy crying, and many others that I can't describe with their own way.

And now I will go.
Go to the other world that I've never know.
Being separate from them, who have completed my life.
Can't see their smile, their tears.
Can't hear their laugh, their anger.
Can't smell their delicious or even stinky smell.
Can't touch their hand, hair, cheeks, and nose.
And can't hug them when they or I get in trouble.

Everytime I see their eyes, I just wish time wanna stop. Give me a chance to spend my time with them.
But I know it will never happen.
And I know, sadly, there will be a separation, someday.
I've got a chance to meet them.
Now, it's about time to say goodbye.
Who knows when one of us will go forever, like Mrs. Evi, my friend Qiyal, my maternal grandma and grandpa, my neighbor Mr. Suwarto, my friend's Dad, my friend's brother, etc.
Or maybe will go for a while, out of town, country, or even just school.

That's a life. And the truth. It's sad, I know.
This world has it's balance.
There is day and night. Light and dark. Black and white. Come and go. Birth and death.
It called Sunnatullah.
Our job is not against it, but deal with it.
Get ready, for anything which will happen.
Earlier we prepare ourself, maybe less pain that we'll feel.

P.S. : I'm asking your pray for Mrs. Evi Rusliana. She taught Indonesian. And she is a nice and great woman. Thx

1 comment:

  1. Why I was being so emotional?
    Well, I guess I was having PMS at that time :p
    Sorry if this post is too "lebay" for you, hehehe
